Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Prompt #6

#6 In your opinion, when is it beneficial, ethical, or appropriate to digitally alter photographic portraits? When do you think it is inappropriate or ethically wrong?

The beautiful thing about photography is its ability to capture an image. Most assume that an image is not altered and take the image as truth. I think it is appropriate to change an image with consent of those photographed and without changing the essence of the photograph. The idea should remain the same, but being sensitive to those being pictured and those viewing the image should be taken into consideration as well. 

An example of this can be taken in sensitive situations. Newspapers report on many events involving gruesome deaths and controversial topics. Though images should represent situations to the fullest, it is also important to be sensitive to the viewer. In times of war I want to see the soldiers enduring exactly the situations that they have to deal with in order to understand the severity of the situation, however the families of the soldiers should not be disturbed by the informative images. 

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